Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I need warm weather!!!

Well it seems like this winter keeps going and going. Some day it will warm up again. I hope!!! Well we have a new addition to the family. Alexia was born on January 10th. Weighing in at 7lbs and 12 oz. Isn’t God so awesome. I just love watching her and seeing God through her. Well I’ve been drilling my son on what love is lately. It seems that kids at his school have that love issue. There making fun of other kids because the way they talk or look. So I brought up to him about that we need to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Hinting to him that we need to love ourselves first. Then loving his neighbor won’t be a problem. When we make fun of a person because the way they look or talk. You’re just letting everyone know that you don’t love your self that much. We need to realize that God is in all of us. He made each one of us in His image. So in short to love yourself. You are loving God to the fullest. When you love God. You are full of love. because God is Love. So let’s stop and search our hearts. To see where we need more of God. When we do. We will be full of God’s kind of Love.


Tom Scepaniak said...

Amen! Love em like God loves us!!

Unknown said...

Just let me know when you might need a visitor and I'll be there. I don't want to stop by while your napping.